Happy 2nd Birthday Savannah!
My sister lives out of town so I volunteered my house for the party. The food was great and the cupcakes were a hit. I'm pretty exhausted today...it must be that bug from last week...still haven't shaken it yet.
p.s there's a tutorial on how to make these cupcakes if you are interested on Fork in Food.
Coupons Coupons COUPONS!!!
Here is what I got for FREE! Two Glade Plug-Ins Scented Oil air fresheners, two Pledge Multi Surface Spray, two Yoplait Yoptimal Yogourts and one Wisp Flameless Candle.
Sick and tired...
Monday was brutal since it was the first day back from March Break. Late nights and lack of parental responsibility meant that Monday morning was a huge rush to get homework that hadn't been done all week finished and forcefeeding sleepy heads that didn't want to eat their breakfast. On top of that I had "crazy monkeys eating my brain" (borrowed that phrase from one of my favourite bloggers Andy) ALL DAY LONG. I could barely keep my eyes open all day and had to pop Advils every four hours just function.
Tuesday was much of the same. I literally could not keep my eyes open and had to convince my daughter to take an afternoon nap with me. Didn't make things better and woke up with a worse headache than before. Luckily I still had leftovers from the party and didn't have to cook.
Did I mention that my husband is away again this week? Figures that sickness always coincides with his trips. Feeling better today. Thought about doing "Wordless Wednesday" but felt guilty that it was becoming a "Wordless Week".
Honey I WRECKED the Kids
I have met Alyson Schafer before...we had been on a home reno/family therapy show and they asked her to come and give us some tips on getting my daughter to sleep in her own bed. I loved her...she was so funny and had some great tips. I have a feeling this book is going to be full of humour and amazing ways to fix my kids and me.
Family Birthday Party
It takes some planning but I usually have a main meat dish and then a ton of side dishes. The star of the evening was the prime rib roast. It's the rave...my dad makes the best gravy. I couldn't decide what kind of cake to make since turning 10 means no more power rangers or army men decorations. I decided at the last minute to make faces on my cupcakes. It's not my best work but I think pretty good for last minute.
My son said it was the best birthday ever! I'm glad. It makes all the work worth it.
Another Award!!
2. I ♥ my computer.
3. I ♥ potluck poker nights.
4. I ♥ The Young and the Restless.
5. I ♥ craft books.
6. I ♥ a bargoon.
7. I ♥ my family and friends.
Now to pass it on...
I love all my bloggy friends and it was so hard to pick just seven. I promise to share more love next time.
Earrings - Giveaway
A friend of a friend of mine is having a give-away on her Etsy site. I thought I would share it with all of my friends here in the blogosphere.
Here are the details of the give-away on her site... http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5592866
It's about that time of year where I'm trying to think of a fun way to celebrate my 1 year Etsy-versary. So the first thing I've come up with is a giveaway contest!! Who doesn't like (practically) free stuff?
Here is what is up for grabs:
in monotone earrings:
OR cate earrings:
WHAT you need to do:
Come up with a commentary of the earrings that you'd like to win. Don't be shy! Convo me with it OR if you're not an Etsy member yet (you really should join though! it's fast and easy)email me at supervonbon [!at] hotmail.com and the winning entry will be picked by me and their story used as my new description for that item! The earrings will be packaged and sent to you for your creative efforts!
Please send your entries by: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25th.
Good luck everyone!!
First born hits 10!!
Well...today is a milestone...I told the grocery clerk that it was my son's 10th birthday today. She asked me "What was it like 10 years ago?" I told her I was alot free-er. Hahaha...she said she meant what was the weather like 10 years ago. Then my sister piped in and said "She was in alot of pain 10 years ago" Har har har...yeah...the pain started 10 years ago alright...and it hasn't stopped yet!!
Spring Break - Day 3
March Break...Day 2
Food is the most stressful part of my day. It's hard enough catering to the food preferences of three kids...try five...I made sure I had plenty of snacks just in case my main meal was a flop. Well...all I can say is that I ended up inventing a delicious new dish today completely be accident. I screwed up the frozen pizza!! You may wonder how I did that...read my food blog Fork in Food to get all the details.
My first blogging award!
But then on Sunday, The Obnoxious SAHM, featured me in her Sunday Spotlight and I was on cloud nine all day. I really felt the love!!
And then today one of my favourite blogs, OF MICE AND raMEN, presented me with her "I heart your blog" award. Check her out! She has some of the cutest, funniest, strangest pictures I've ever seen. I heart her too!!
Spring Break Madness
This is the expression I got when I told my friend that I had nothing planned with the kids for Spring Break except hanging out at home...EXACTLY!!
BTW, thank you to The Obnoxious SAHM and to everyone who came by yesterday. I received a lot of love and can't wait to get to know some of my new friends.
Spring Break Pain Relief
Sunday Spotlight is on me!!!
I've posted my Sunday Spotlight Award over to the right. You can click on that to check out "The Obnoxious SAHM". She makes me laugh and that's why I love her!
Watch out Paris Hilton!!
AND look how comfortable she is on the phone!! We'll be fighting for time soon! I'm not looking forward to that either!
What a cluttered life we lead...
Turning F%@#
25 Random things about me....
1. I’m easily addicted to things.
2. I love all things FREE.
3. I spend most of my day on the computer and tv. We have 6 Tvs and 4 computers.
4. If I’m home ,I can watch Y&R three times a day.
5. I have a very bad temper.
6. I love all techie gadgets.
7. I can’t resist buying craft books but never have time to make anything.
8. I download music but I don’t really listen to it.
9. I love eating out because I’m not a very good cook.
10. It’s so hard to throw anything out or give anything away.
11. I like having an afternoon nap.
12. Officially, I’ve only worked full-time three years in my entire life in Canada.
13. I have frying pans for big toes.
14. I’m afraid of the dark.
15. I think I’m turning Guyanese.
16. I’m superstitious.
17. Family is very important to me.
18. I’ve abused the Shoppers Optimum Program.
19. Love coupons. Bought $350 worth of stuff for only $30 in Florida one Christmas but had to make almost 20 CVS runs to get that.
20. Misses life in HK.
21. I like to eat when I’m happy, sad, depressed or bored.
22. Can’t stand the smell of beer.
23. Haven’t worn a watch in almost 10 years.
24. I’m available at a moment’s notice.
25. I enjoy hanging out with my 71 year old friend.
1)What is your blogger name? Screamin' Mama
2) When is your birthday? June 18
3) How long have you been blogging? the mid February 2009
4) Who tagged you? Tanielle
5 ) Tell me your 5 most favorite body part. I seriously don't have one...here are the ones I hate...my nose, my big toe, fat arms, wrinkles under my eyes, and my alligator skin.
6) What do you wish most for your birthday? To be 20 years younger
7) What color are your nails now? Just natural...haven't had time for polish lately.
8) Any depressing thoughts lately? That my daughter will be going to Gr. 1 in September and I will have to look for a job.
9) What's your next 1 month's plan? To finally get everything into a place of it's own and get rid of the clutter.
10) At what age did you have your 1st crush? I think it was in Gr. 4...when I was 9.
11) Did you attend any school reunion after you graduated till now? No but I'm planning one this summer with my high school crowd.
12) Have you ever passed gas in public and pretended you didn't smell anything? I'm going to have plead the 5th on this one.
13) Are you a clean freak? Not really. I would rather do anything other than clean.
14) Which era do you wish you were born into? I'm a huge fan of Star Trek...I would love to live in the future.
15) Are you a vegetarian? Not at all!
16) How many pillows do you sleep with at night? One
17) Are you a light sleeper or an I-don't-care-if -there's-a-bomb-here sleeper? I'm a deep sleeper...probably 'cause I'm so exhausteed by the end of the day.
18) Do you secretly wear comfortable granny panties when your man is not around? I prefer bikinis myself.
19) What is your ultimate dream job? To work at Michaels...the craft store.
20) What is it your hubby does that annoys you the most? He likes to tap his fingers on the counter...in the car...ets.
21) What is your dream car? I would like a luxury car like a Lexus.
22) Do you easily wake up in the morning? No...I have to force myself out from under those warm covers.
23) Do you like hairy men? Not at all!
24) How about goateed men? Hate any kind of facial hair!
25) Which one would you prefer, 2 hour spa, 2 hour Thai Massage, or a two hour foot massage? I would love a 2 hour Thai Massage.
26) Have you ever wished you had a different name other than your real name? What name is that? I hate my name...I think I would like something like Serena.
27) What is the most extreme sport you have ever done? Skiing...I'm a chicken.
28) Do you prefer traveling in Europe or Asia? I worked in Hong Kong for 2 years and would love another opportunity to go there.
29) What is your favorite food? I love Thai or Indian.
Finally,30) What is the most embarrassing moment when you were out on a date? Before going out on my first date I drank a big bowl of soup and then at the movies I drank a large Coke. By the middle of the movie I had to go to the bathroom like 4 different times. He must have thought I was so nervous!
Now I tag...