
I've been living the life of a deprived addict for the past week. Sneaking out of the house for a quick fix...searching for a connection...feeling agitated and grumpy from withdrawl...what's wrong with me!!'s my internet was off-line for almost an entire week. The first couple of days were brutal. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I called my provider every chance I had to get an update. I literally didn't know what to do with myself. I was lost.

I would leave the house after dinner and sit at the local Starbucks for a quick fix...or sit outside the library where there's free wifi. I felt guilty for leaving my family but I NEEDED to check my email and Facebook. I HAD to play my Facebook games of Scrabble. I couldn't let my friends down...could I?

Well...I actually found that by the end of the week I wasn't all consumed about my computer and in fact got quite alot of work done around the house. The house...inside and starting to look neat and clean.

Is it sad? I'm not sure about everyone else but I realized how much my life revolved around my computer and the internet. I don't know if I will be able to change my habits...especially now that I've got it back online...but perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad idea to cut out one or two hours of internet and spend some quality time with the family.

Child's eye view...the horror!!

So I was downloading the pictures from my son's birthday party the other day and to my horror I found some pics that my daughter took while I was baking cupcakes. Now is this what she sees when she comes up behind me?!!! I know that the camera usually adds 10 pounds but IS THIS REALLY WHAT SHE SEES?!! If so then I am truly going to hit the gym. might just be camera angle...or the flash makes my butt glow bigger...AND definitely, for sure, she's standing too close...

Normally I wear black so I'm going to hope that my behind doesn't really look like I'm wearing a Depends undergarment...

Tears for Haiti

My church had a fundraising project this month collecting soaps, toothbrushes, towels, toothbrushes, toothpaste, etc. to make relief kits to send to Haiti. I sent out a request to friends and family and collected two boxes of items. It wasn't much considering the enourmous need but it was something in addition to monetary donations. To finish off the fundraiser the Director of Church Relations from World Vision came to speak about his experience there during the earthquake. He had been there leading a group of volunteers when he was caught in the earthquake.

His talk moved me to tears as he recounted the first moments and then the chaos afterwards. Luckily their entire group was safe and the hotel that they stayed at became a makeshift hospital (armed with only shredded bedsheets and bottles of iodine) and morgue. I can't even imagine the horrors that he saw or heard.

One thing that I thought was quite haunting was the wails from the entire city of Port Au Prince after the earthquake. The crying from pain, sorrow, fear, desperation...

If you are interested here is his story "Wailing filled the air." I'm sure it will move you just as it has moved me. His story has left me feeling...I don't know...restless...uneasy...wanting to do more....I will have to do some research to see where I can help the most.

For those interested in making donations here are a few links. I love the new version of "We are the world" and it inspires me to do more. I believe every download of the song and video goes toward Haiti.

We are the World

Red Cross

Me so bad!!!

Happy New Year!! Happy Valentine's Day!! Happy Chinese New Year!!

I have to apologize...I am so guilt ridden. I can't believe I haven't posted since Christmas Eve. My only excuse would be laziness and lack of motivation. It surprises even me since the new year usually means a fresh start.

I have been busy trying to purge and clean out my mess. I am certainly not someone you would call a hoarder but I have to admit that I just threw out 26 single socks with sizing ranging from baby to about three years old. My daughter is six so can you imagine how long they've been hanging around my laundry baskets? It was quite liberating actually and now I'm in the purge mode. I'm collecting and passing on outgrown clothes...tidying up all the clutter filled corners...and clearing up my kitchen/bathroom/tabletops...

It's so hard to say goodbye to all my "stuff"...even though I know these things have no use or my children have outgrown them. My excuse for saving all that stuff was that one day my kids might have use for them or I could save them for my future grandchildren. Toys don't go bad, do they?