Back to School Denial

I've got a major case of back-to-school denial. Don't get me wrong...I can't wait for the kids to get back to school. Looking forward to it actually but for some odd reason I've been procrastinating. I'm just not in the mood to buy any school supplies...don't even want to look at new clothes or shoes for the school year...haven't even put the kids back on a reasonable bedtime routine.

This summer was strange. Weather was cold. Kids were quiet. Busy with visitors. Summer seemed too short. I'm a bit sad that it's over. Can't really believe it since I'm usually the first one to be jumping for joy at just the mention of the first day of school. Something must be wrong with me...


  1. I know how you feel. This summer was a bit...weird. Supplies, clothes and all the other to do lists just do not have the same feeling thistime. Oh well, maybe it is our first glimpse of empty nest syndrome? Maybe not.

  2. You spoke my mind exactly... This year, for whatever reason, I'm not excited that school is approaching so soon. After all, I should be excited that my baby is going to BIG school and I'm going to have a half a day all to myself again.
