Someone up there has one cruel sense of humour! This year has been a year of colds, flus and everything in between AND they all seem to happen whenever my husband has a business trip. This week was supposed to be quiet...nothing too much planned and then my husband sprang the news that he had to go to Ottawa today and tomorrow. He told us on Monday and then lo and behold...Andrew, son #1, gets the flu on Tuesday. What the heck!!
It must be payback for admitting in one of my previous posts that I actually enjoy the time when he's away. I don't have to stress about dinner 'cause grilled cheese sandwiches would be a quick and easy dinner for me and the kids...and I can usually get the kids in their rooms and asleep by 9:30 (when he's home for some reason or other they don't seem to get upstairs until 10pm!).
Now Andrew is a nightmare when he's sick...he likes to over dramatize everything...he cries because he feels dizzy...imagines that he's got some deadly disease...moans and groans with every little ache. I guess he's learning early...isn't that how every man reacts as soon as he gets the sniffles? My husband is the same way! I love how he can take a day off from work and then really work it at home...staying in bed all day...sleeping...moaning "Can you make me some soup?", "Can you get me some Advil?" Can you wipe my a**? Sorry I couldn't help but add that! But isn't it true? Big babies!!
When we get sick can we lie in bed all day? My hubby just says "Awww....hope you feel better" as he rushes out the door. I have to throw a bottle of Advil in my bag as I run around getting the kids ready for school, drive them to school and carry on with my day. I remember once when I had a wicked case of Strep throat...I lay on the couch for three days and threw Cheerios at the kids all day until hubby got home. Wouldn't it be nice if we were able to lie in bed... recharge? I can't imagine!