All time low!!

I've been crazy busy the last two weeks. My daughter was sick all last week and I had to plan a huge birthday party for my son and daughter this past weekend. Of course all the hard work paid off and the party was a hit. Just look at my cute cupcakes. Check out Fork in Food for my instructions on how to make them.

However, there is a price to pay for success. It's called laundry. Last night when I went up for my shower I realized that I couldn't find any clean underwear! I was too exhausted to run down to the basement (plus it's also where the boogey man lives so I refuse to go down there after dark) so I rummaged through my drawers and what did I find? A swimsuit bottom. Well it looks like underwear and feels like underwear, doesn't it? So I slipped them on after my shower and no one was the wiser.

In fact, I kinda liked wearing them and since I was still too lazy to go down to the basement in the morning, I wore them all day today. It was sorta like wearing a girdle all day. It really did keep my tummy all sucked in...and there were sexy black. Ok...I know...I know...I'm reaching please don't tell really was my all time low...

By the way, if you are reading this tonight...stay tuned because tomorrow I am offering a FABULOUS Give-away!!

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