Watch out Paris Hilton!!

My daughter came up behind me last night and she was all decked out in her bling and designer Kitty bag. I couldn't help but laugh. It was so cute. Cute for her age. She's only five. BUT if she likes all those things now will it only get worse? I hope wallet isn't big enough. Right now she doesn't mind wearing hand-me downs from her big "sisters" but I dread the day when she starts dictating what she wears or will not wear .

AND look how comfortable she is on the phone!! We'll be fighting for time soon! I'm not looking forward to that either!


  1. Good luck! Can you imagine when she becomes a teenager? She's really pretty and you're gonna have a hard time keeping the boys away from her!!

  2. I don't even want to think about teenage years! That scares me!

  3. She's just simply TOO cute!

    (My baby just turned 13. She LOVES Hello Kitty.)

  4. That sounds about right. I have 3 girls... uh oh.
